Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Vidin water supply and sewerage system

Consultant - Construction Supervision, according to the Territorial Structure Act / TSA / for conformity assessment of investment projects and Engineer, according to the FIDIC Contractual Terms - Red Book.
For object: "Rehabilitation of Vidin water supply system, reconstruction and expansion of sewerage network "
Building value 44 385 184.80 BGN
The value of the construction supervision: 730 000 BGN
Consultant: JV '' PK2000 - АКВА '' with partners: Leading partner „PATCONSULT 2000“ Ltd, and “AQUA” Ltd
Construction supervision contract № АО-02-15- 176 / 13.09.2013г. with the Municipality of Vidin
The project is funded under Operational Program “Environment 2007-2013”.
Five sub-projects were constructed:
- • Rehabilitation of water supply network
- • Reconstruction and expansion of sewer network
- • Pressure channel of КПС № 1 to WWTP
- • Rehabilitation of КПС № 1
- • Rehabilitation of КПС № 5